Monday, March 4, 2013

Alterations to "Poet's Pullover"

I've finally gotten around to writing this all up and transferring it to this blog instead of leaving it languishing on its project page on ravelry. Hopefully this will all make sense to fellow knitters.

Whilst making Ashley Knowlton's Poet's Pullover, I did a few things differently to the way that she had written the original pattern. This was the first serious set of alterations that I had done to a pattern and as such, decided that it would be a good idea to note down all of the changes that I made, as I did them, in case I wanted to make it again or anyone else found them useful. Below are all of the alterations that I made, separated by section. If you need anything clarified, please just ask & I shall do my best to remember what I did & help you out :)

FYI, I made the 44" bust size.

- * -* -* -* - * - * -* -* -* - * - * -* -* -* - * - * -* -* -* - * - * -* -* -* - * - * -* -* -* - * - * -* -* -

Decrease at bust:
K2, K2tog 13 times; K20; K2, K2tog 26 times; K20; K2 K2tog 13 times (the K20 is just below where the armhole will be).

Separate for bust:
Add a row between 1 & 2 (row 1.5): Knit to last 10 sts; BO last 10 sts of this row & first 10sts of the next (Row 2) to keep everything even & central.

Divide for armhole:
K1, ssk, K26, BO 7, K72, BO 7, K26, K2tog, K1 < --errata for this size as pattern has 4 sts too many in it & this row doesn't line up with the rest of the pattern.

Right front:
Join yarn at armhole
R1: Purl
R2: (RS) K to last 7 sts, K2tog 3 times, K1
R3: Purl
R4: K1, ssk, K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1
R5: Purl
R6: K to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1

At top of LF (instead of BO):
R1: Purl
R2: K2 tog 8 times, K to end
R3: Purl
R4: K2 tog 5 times, K to end
R5: Purl
put sts on stitch holder

At top of RF (instead of BO):
R1: Purl
R2: K to last 17 sts, K2tog 8 times, K1
R3: Purl
R4: K to last 11 sts, K2 tog 5 times, K1
R5: Purl
put sts on stitch holder

At the top of the back (instead of BO):
R1: Purl
R2: K1, *ssk, K1, do from * 8 times, K to last 17 sts, K2tog 8 times, K1
R3: Purl
R4: K1, *ssk, K1, do from * 5 times, K to last 11 sts, K2tog 5 times, K1
R5: Purl

Shoulder seams:
Join LF & RF to back using kitchener stitch for seamless seams :)

BO for collar:
I used Elizabeth Zimmerman's sewn bind off as it's stretchy & my normal BO is stupidly tight, even using larger needles :S

Instead of BOs, dec. as follows:
R1: Purl
R2: K1, *ssk, K1, do from * 5 times, K to last 11 sts, K2tog 8 times, K1
R3: Purl
R4: K1, *ssk, K1, do from * 3 times, K to last 7 sts, K2tog 5 times, K1
R5: Purl
As with the collar BO, I used Elizabeth Zimmerman's sewn bind off to cast off. Don't forget to repeat for the 2nd sleeve!

By not casting off and decreasing then joining with kitchener stitch, you will have a slightly gathered look at the tops of the shoulders (which I think makes it look even nicer), but if you don't want a gathered look, follow the original pattern instructions :)

- * -* -* -* - * - * -* -* -* - * - * -* -* -* - * - * -* -* -* - * - * -* -* -* - * - * -* -* -* - * - * -* -* -

If I were to make this top again, I would knit about 4-5 rows of stocking stitch between the top of the ribbing and the divide for the bust as I think that without the extra rows it looks a little...messy or too busy, but that's only a small thing. 

Again, if you need anything clarified, please just ask & I shall do my best to help :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Testing for the moment

Just making sure that I've set this up right and it works. Nothing to see for a while yet.